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What does Part A cover?
Medicare Part A provides coverage for:
Hospital care
Skilled nursing facility care
Hospice care
Home health services
Costs for Medicare Part A
Most people get premium-free Part A coverage.
If you or a spouse worked while paying Medicare taxes for at least 40 quarters, then you should be eligible to receive Part A without paying a monthly premium.
If you worked less than 10 years in the U.S. before turning 65, Part A may cost you.
You worked and paid taxes for 30 to 39 quarters-
$278/month (reduced premium)
You worked less than 30 quarters-
$505/month (full premium)
Eligibility for Medicare Part A
You are eligible to begin receiving your benefits under Part A of Medicare on the 1st day of your 65th birthday month. If your birthday happens to be on the 1st day of the month then you are eligible to receive Part A on the 1st day of the month prior to your 65th birthday month.
If you are already receiving Social Security benefits then you will be automatically enrolled into Part A and will receive your red, white and blue Medicare card roughly 3 months before your 65th birthday month. If you are not receiving Social Security benefits then you will need to contact Social Security to sign up for Part A. You can sign up for Part A as early as 3 months before your birthday month.
Some individuals will be eligible to receive Medicare before turning 65 if they become permanently disabled.
​How much do I pay for covered
Part A services?
For Medicare covered services you are generally left with some sort of deductible or co-insurance.
Below we will explain what Medicare pays for covered Part A services and how much responsibility you will be left with.
Keep in mind these amounts are if you have Part A only and do not have any extra coverage (like a Medigap plan).
Contact us for information on what coverage options are available to protect yourself from these expenses.
Days 1-60 :
$1,632 deductible (per benefit period*)​
Days 61-90 :
$408 per day
Days 91+ :
​​​$816 per "lifetime reserve day" after day 90 for each benefit period (up to 60 days over your lifetime)
Hospital admission :
2024 amounts shown below
Skilled Nursing Facility:
2024 amounts shown below
Days 1-20 :
Covered in full by Medicare (per benefit period*)​
Days 61-90 :
$204 per day
Days 100+ :
You are responsible for ALL COSTS
*Benefit period: The way that Original Medicare measures your use of hospital and skilled nursing facility (SNF) services. A benefit period begins the day you're admitted as an inpatient in a hospital or SNF. The benefit period ends when you haven't gotten any inpatient hospital care (or up to 100 days of skilled care in a SNF) for 60 days in a row. If you go into a hospital or a SNF after one benefit period has ended, a new benefit period begins. You must pay the inpatient hospital deductible for each benefit period. There's no limit to the number of benefit periods.
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